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Intensify pro macphun free.Macphun Intensify Pro Review 


Intensify – What You Can and Cannot Get from Skylum Intensify Software


The difference between the two versions is that the pro version can be used as a plug-in for other pieces of software such as Photoshop or Lightroom and has a number of more advanced features, such as a micro sharpness tool and tonal range clipping. To get the software, all you need to do is download it from the MacPhun website. You can click a star icon on the left hand side of any preset to add it to your favourites list - which is useful if you find one that works well with a certain type of picture that you want to use often.

Going back to the Adjust tab, here you have quite an extensive array of different settings which you can change, including Colour Temperature, Saturation, and a couple which are only available in the Pro version, such as Micro Sharpness. You can create Layers, which is useful for layering up different effects, or for only applying a certain effect to a part of the image.

To create a new Layer, you simply expand the Layers section on the right hand side of the screen, and click the plus icon. To make a Layer Mask, you select the brush icon and paint on the picture around the area you want to mask.

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